Monday, December 29, 2008

B Train minus the post-hipster beverage

i was driving on some errands (important ones, i'm not a PA), when i realized how smart my brain is.  i was thinking about a video, when i suddenly realized something about myself.  If most people use 10% of their brain, i use 20.  And if most people really use 90%, i use 180%.  That's right.  i don't use 10% more, i use twice as much.  if you were a pc computer, i'd be two macs and a linux machine, all working together in harmony to build viruses to lol into your face.

But seriously, my brain is awesome.  

My next fun video projects are all stop motion, and the one i'm most excited about (so far) is a stop motion of a Furby singing "Come Sail Away" by Styx.  You read that right.  It's such a great statement i almost blew one of my nine swears on it.  If that doesn't get your goat yodeling, imagine adding in a tyrannosaurus rex stepping on sheep.  Got your attention now?  If your brain was working at twice it's capacity, you would have realized how awesome this was back at the word "My" in this paragraph.  Noob.

i cannot feel sorry for you, because my heightened intellect realized long ago that unlocking the key to my incredible brainpower wasn't in your reach.  One day, when you're bringing me a glass of chardonnay in the throne room your family helped construct before i had them all sent to the bean fields, you'll realize that i wasn't being cruel, because i cured all sickness.  So what if i enslaved mankind?  Even the best super heroes (if you had my brain, you would have realized i'm a super hero long ago) have flaws, and my flaw is far better than Superman.  i never left the world because i had a kid, and i certainly never made a movie as crappy as King Kong (makes sense to me, sorry pint-brained dweeb).

in conclusion, well, actually, i don't need to conclude.  It's not my fault you can't keep up with me, and i came to my conclusion before i typed in the title of this blog.

blog out,

1 comment:

Kevin Barber said...

I think the Eric Cartman version of "Come Sail Away" would be fun for a Furby.