Thursday, January 17, 2008

Max Lucado would be rolling in his grave if he wasn't alive

Our next sermon series is going to be "Facing Your Giants." The only complaint I have is the complaint below:

Facing Your Giants

That's the title for our next series. Taken straight from Max Lucado's book or from a movie made for Christians by Christians with little or no care in the acting, either way it's not very original. We might as well make our series "David Vs. Goliath", because that's what this amounts to. "Facing Your Giants" is the 2000s version of "David Vs. Goliath."

I've been trying to come up with more creative ways of saying "Facing Your Giants," and I admit it's hard. Facing what giants? For me a giant could be anything from getting out of debt to punching a semi-flat soccer ball at a wall for 5 minutes straight. I can't accomplish either, but I hope to in the next ten years (The soccer ball one may be harder than the debt, I've only made it 2 minutes with the ball). Everyone has their own giants, but there's got to be a way to invoke gianticness without saying giant or Goliath.

My ideas:

1. Underdogz. That would be a good way of doing it. Adding the 'z' helps make it more legit and relevant. It's way better than Cinderella story/ztory. The thing is, you could do Facing Yo' Giantz. It really doesn't work.

2. Jumbo-Sized Problems. It has the 'z' in it to make it edgy, but it sounds stupid. I don't like the idea, but Jumbo came up when I thesaurus'd giant.

3. Whale Fishing. This one would be all about the image. A little kid, probably sort of emo looking, but without a stupid black t-shirt with edgy text, fishing on a radio flyer that's in the water sort of like a boat, and then in the water beneath him (it's stormy by the way, so the water is sort of gray-blue) there's a huge silhouette. I like the imagery. An old man could look at it and think "that little boy will never get a whale in the Radio Flyer, he needs a bigger boat." Most other people would get the symbolism.

4. They Might Be Giants. This wouldn't work. People wouldn't be able to think about theological questions with Birdhouse In Your Soul stuck in their heads, but it is a great song.

5. Speedbumps(z). Going back to the Whale Fishing idea, I think water is the way to go. I'm thinking about a boat hitting a small 'iceberg', but that's only the top third of the picture. It's actually a seaunicorn horn (kind of like this but with a larger horn. Google Images is amazing). It's a little overly mythical for church, but it would be pretty awesome. The seaunicorn could have a moustache and angry eyebrows to show his discontent with having his horn bumped.

I like the unseen water stuff, but I'm not overly sure it's suited for what we're doing. David knew Goliath was way larger than him. Goliath knew he was way larger than David. There wasn't any surprise there. Maybe a Moby Dick reference would work.

6. Call Me Ishmael. And then have a picture of a guy on top of a whale with a harpoon, about to dig it into the whales back. I've never finished Moby Dick (I tried to read the old school version of the book, but I wasn't really excited by it. There's some movie with a montage sequence where the guy reads Moby Dick to get the girl of his dreams after losing her, but he never says how it ends, so I guess I may never know.).

7. Old Men At Sea. A bunch of guys with large fish caught along the sides of their boats. In one boat farther away, Waldo can be seen.

That's all I have. I really want to work on photoshopping some of these, so there might be pictures added later. Peace out.


Travis said...

What rolls down stairs,
alone or in pairs,
and over your neighbor's dog?
What's great for a snack?
and fits on your back,
It's blog, blog, blog.
It's blog, blog.
It's big, it's heavy, it's wood.
It's blog, blog.
It's better than bad, it's good.
Everyone wants a blog.
You're gonna love it, blog.
C'mon and get your blog.
Everyone needs a blog.
Blog, blog, blog, blog, blog, blog.

Welcome to that which we call the blogosphere. May your blog bring absurdity to the dark corners of the world wide intranet.

Anonymous said...

The whale idea is my fav. I don't think I'm picturing it the same as you though. I'm picturing it 2 different ways. One is this areal shot of a boy sitting in a dingy, fishing. He's just hangin out. And you can see the huge silhouette of the whale underneath. The other way is kind of like this cartoon in the paper... it's got this creepy girl with a horse for a bff... anyway. Half of the picture shows this kid standing up in the boat pulling on the fishing pull as hard as he can. Sweat is dripping off of his face, he's got his feet pushing off the side of the boat, his face is twisted, he's really getting into it. And then you can see below the water and this whale is just hangin out with a hook in his mouth. And he looks super bored.
When I picture the second one it cracks me up.