So I voted Tuesday... Sort of. I did the ballot filling out a few days early via the facebook. I voted for Mr. Potato Head. Mostly because I couldn't vote for either candidate without knowing that I had no honest reason to vote for either candidate except that they aren't the other person.
Obama might be able to do great things... He's young, ultra-liberal, and has some past history that makes me uneasy, BUT he's got the right attitude for our country. If I was voting completely based off which candidate I liked more or thought looked more presidential, he would win in a heartbeat. I also don't mind Biden. I don't agree with either of these guys politically, but they're not total idiots.
That's where I get into Sarah Palin and, to a lesser extent, John McCain. Sarah Palin was an attempt to beat someone with a gimmick. If John McCain thought Sarah Palin was ready to be vice president... There's a blank spot here, because I like to think McCain isn't a total idiot... but maybe he is. I read back when she first got put on the ticket that "she was the only hope for McCain in winning." Really? Then Obama won back then.
To think, our country was a failing heart away from her running everything. Gashlkajhs;lhjkahj It's scary to think about.
So yeah, I don't agree with Obama on a lot of the social issues, but at least his vice president isn't a gimmick. Maybe he'll be the messiah everyone thought he was... or maybe in 4 years the republican party wont try and run a John Kerry-esque campaign.
blog out
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