Sunday, November 9, 2008


a week and a half ago at Junior High Group at Westwind an idea came about for an event called Fortnight.  The story behind it's creation is simple.  I started telling the kids, about how two weeks from now would be fortnight.  We had decided that two weeks from the night we'd do costumes, but when the kids didn't understand what I meant when I said fortnight, it became a really long and awesome vocabulary joke that went something like this:

"Everyone, two weeks from tonight will be a fortnight."

"What's a fortnight?"

"Two weeks."


"Two weeks from tonight will be a fortnight."


"Two weeks from tonight will be Fortnight." 

(please note, this is the point where the idea was fleshed out.  I think I turned to Katie and said something about "let's build forts!" and both of us got excited.)

"What's fortnight?"

"In a fortnight we'll be having fortnight where we build forts.  Wear costumes and bring stuff."

"I'm confused"

"You should be.  See you in a fortnight for fortnight."

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