- JJ Abrams has no clue what's going on, just like Chris Martin.
- Half of Lost takes place on a beach, just like the music video for Yellow.
- Coldplay steals things, just like JJ Abrams. They (Coldplay) stole their most recent hit song, and Lost is just a remake of some the hit NBC show Crusoe (I could blog for hours on the similarities between the two shows).
- Hugh Laurie was offered the spot as lead singer of Coldplay, and as any/every character for Lost (Imagine the whole show with just him. It would make way more sense). If you don't think this proves the link between Coldplay and Lost, it should be noted that both offers happened on the same plane ride from LAX to Toronto. If that doesn't prove the link, JJ ABRAMS OFFERED THEM BOTH! Seriously. The caps proves it like no link could.
- Each season of Lost is supposed to be played while listening to one of Coldplay's albums. Season 4 was shortened, supposedly because of the strike, but really because of the fact that Vida La Vida only had a few songs worth listening to while watching Lost.
- Chris Martin is an anagram for MI CHARTA RINS, which is Atlantian for I'm JJ Abrams clone.
- The Dharma Initiative began in the late 1980s to write songs that sounded better while using Acid. Regardless of what JJ Abrams switches it to, the fact is, Dharma Initiative=group of strung out hippies writing music for Coldplay.
- Lastly, JJ Abrams and Christ Martin have never been seen together... You think that kills this theory? You think that proves me wrong? You think that makes you a tough guy? You think you're better than me? i've got more zeroes to my name than all the non-Honey Nut Cheerios you ate this morning, Mr./Mrs. High Cholesterol. JJ and Chris have made it a point to ignore each other in public, but use other means to communicate.
Monday, December 29, 2008
My theories on Lost
B Train minus the post-hipster beverage
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Look at this
As everything we know fades to black
Half the time the world is ending
Truth is I am done pretending
I never thought that I
Had anymore to give
You're pushing me so far
Here I am without you
Drink to all that we have lost
Mistakes we have made
Everything will change
But love remains the same
I find a place where we escape
Take you with me for the space
I walk the streets through seven bars
I have to find just where you are
The faces seem to blur
They're all the same
Half the time the world is ending
Truth is I am done pretending
After that he goes into the chorus, and that's all the same stuff. You can reread it from above if you want.
So much more to say
So much to be done
Don't you trick me out
We shall overcome
It's all left still to play
We should've had the sun
Could have been inside
Instead we're over here
As the ship prepares to take off, Chad says one last thing to all the haters. When he says 'we're over here', he's really saying 'me and all my fans, we're going, you could have come, but you were foolish. Peace, suck it, I'm out.'
Truth is I am done pretending
Too much time too long defending
You and I are done pretending
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Swearing rules (not SWEARING RULZ!!!)
- Immediately following a stubbed toe (2 if it happens in the shower)
- Missing your exit and having to drive another 3 miles before taking the next exit... and it has no on ramp going the other way.
- Finding out that Obama isn't a republican (only applies before 2008 or after the election)
- Finding out that Sarah Palin is (must use immediately)
- Buying anything Apple makes the day before an "unveiling."
- Dropping a first aid kit into a toilet, and then telling the employee who saw it who just met you "it's okay, the bags water proof," but when you open it, it looks like the water seeped through.
- Being Brett Favre
- Leaving your car keys in the car, and then not finding your magnet key device, because you never put it on because you used that key when you left your first one in the car and now they're both in the car.
- Getting poked in one eye. Then getting poked in the other.
- Forgetting the whole reason you drove 30 minutes in the snow.
- Getting into a low speed car accident.
- Broken bones (3 per bone)
- Any injury that prevent activity
- Missing the game winning field goal
- Being stuck in a car with a driver who listens to Nickelback (or 1 Swear per song, maximum 10 swears per album)
- Telling the wrong girl/guy you like them on facebook because of an accidental tab.
- Finding out that the girl/guy you like didn't really like you, they just accidentally pushed tab (multiply by 10 if this whole incident takes place in person)
Downtrodden be damned
"The Caribbean Monk seal (or West Indian seal) has been announced extinct on Friday. This comes as a shock (at least for me - and many others), as this is the first seal species announced extinct due to human activities; now, it will only be seen in drawings.After five years of futile efforts in which not even a single sighting has been reported, the U.S. declared extinct, and also declared that no other seal species has been extinct because of us. This probably (and sadly) opens the way for more such species to become extinct - unless something changes.
The Caribbean Monk Seal was a relatively small seal (6-9 feet) with rolls of fat around its neck and brown pelage that faded to a yellow-white color on the stomach. The last recorded sighting occurred in 1952.
Perhaps what’s even more important here is the lesson that must be learned. Humans left the population unsustainable due to overhunting. To how many other species have we done this? This will (and already is) ultimately affect us! Take just 10 seconds and think about that."
Okay, I found this article on Stumbledupon.com, which is pretty awesome, but the article is pretty sad. I was really sad when I read the captioning. We shouldn't be extincting animals. We should be unextincting them.
Then I got to the part of the article where the writer says "This probably (and sadly) opens the way for more such species to become extinct - unless something changes."
I mean, I'm against taking our environment for granted and destroying nature, but - um... I need to write my blog about swearing real quick - WTF!!1!!11!!1!!
This probably opens the way for more species to become extinct? Buh... um... I'm sorry, but what a stupid thing to say. Our society is so obsessed with green right now, that every company is at least making some effort towards going green (or pretending to). NBC did a whole week on going green. Every political candidate (the seal article was written in June) was talking about the environment. Everything is about going green. People are using more and more cloth bags at stores. It's a wonderful thing....
But I'm not going to be happy if I spend the next four years of the "Obamanation" (it's clever, because it sounds like abomination, which isn't how I feel about him, but I keep hearing everyone call it that, and I don't know who coined it in the first place, so I have to wonder whether or not that's why it was introduced) okay... the parenthesis there were needed, I'm restarting the sentence:
I'm not going to be happy if I spend the next four years hearing about how little we're doing for nature and how much worse things are getting, and how doors are opening for new bouts of baby seal clubbing.
Again, I'm all for the environment, but I hate when I read things like this. I just want to ask this person "do you really believe with all of the new pushes for green, from consumer and government, things are still getting worse?"
I'm probably just tired, but when I read that, i could no longer stumble upon things until I had blogged about it.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Meg and John
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Fortnight: Part deux
Friday, November 7, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Verizon gets a little less sucky
Monday, November 3, 2008
Rapid Hope Loss
Cellular Phones
Thrice I have gone talking to different Verizon employees about my phone in the last week. You see, my phone is currently in a sad situation. The antenea falls out constantly, and it rarely has signal. It also freezes more often than Vista (Ba-Zing).
I am sitting right now looking at the stupid thing, and all I can say is, Verizon sucks. I'm two days from a new phone. I've tried getting a new phone a few times in the last week, with the employees always telling me "sorry it hasn't been two years... you need to wait a few more days."
Screw you, Verizon employee. You're not going career at Verizon. Help a brother out, and let him get his phone 2 days early.
When Barack Obama gets elected, he's going to change Verizon.
November 3rd
So how did my finger break? Great question. Last weekend I played in an Ultimate tournament called Hallowinona. My team, Gnarwhal, finished 2nd overall. All it took was a 5-2 record and a broken finger. I ran into some bumpy terrain trying to catch a huck from the distinguished Brian Lucido, and wound up on the ground. Shortly after falling, the guy guarding me decided my hand needed to be stepped in. I'm sure it was an accident, but only jerks step on hands. Period.
Besides the recent finger break, life is going pretty good. I've got a new job at a company called REL productions as a video editor, I hang out with the Westwind Junior Highers every Wednesday, and I'm on two Ultimate teams in the top 100. It's been a pretty good year.
Blog out
No-Not-blog November
Monday, March 17, 2008
Lundilicious Part 3
Today I put the third and final Easter promotion video on youtube. It's going to be embedded in this blog, so don't bother going to youtube. In this video, we get to take a look inside the work day of Valley Church staff and ex-staff. The video aired last Sunday without PJ, who was cut because of time. PJ has been cut more times than most emo kids, and they usually aren't self inflicted, making them more difficult to bear. Poor guy.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that this video is a Director's cut. It wasn't shown in auditoriums, but it will be shown throughout the world wide web. Enjoy:
In case you were wondering, I didn't link off of emo because it's too easy. If you feel cheated, click here and start reading (there's some swears in there, so be careful. I didn't read that far in, because Easter is putting me in a great enough mood).
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Lundilicious Dos
This video is only funny if you watch the first one or know some of the people at the churh. If you don't fit into either of those elite categories, sorry.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Start of Something Beautiful...
Hello. My name is Matt. I saw your profile picture and wondered how I could be that guy? Flowers? Candy? Candied Flowers? Whatever it takes, I'll do it.
We haven't even met yet, and I still feel a connection. Like two states, bound together by a bridge. The states were Nebraska and Iowa, and the mighty Missouri river couldn't stop the connection we have. I don't think we'd survive the Mississippi yet, but that doesn't matter. We'll build that bridge in time. Until then we can ford the river.
If you feel the same way, please tie (buy) a Dunce Hat gift and post it on my wall. I'll await your answer with fluttering footsteps and a heart out of sync, hoping you can set it right.
We also have the same last name, so you wouldn't have to change check information. Seriously, I'm a good catch.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Weekend Art Dreams
In fact, I have come up with the demo strips for what will someday replace Rex Morgan, M.D.
It's called, "It's funny because..."
The character development of the strips is a little hard to follow so early on in the series, but it's based off the third season of Lost, so as long as you understand the plot of Lost, it shouldn't be too hard to figure it out.

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Can You Feel It [the love]
The song, 'Can You Feel the Love Tonight (hey-bum-ba-we)' was originally released with The Lion King on a cassette tape. The version of the song we are using is the Elton John sang version, but there is also the classic, with an introduction by Timon and Pumba.
On top of using this song to enhance our service, the new Indiana Jones trailer can be found at this link. While I'm still not sold on the movie, the preview got me to chuckle. Harrison Ford can probably pull it off. Maybe. It's going to depend on how heavily they rely on CG. I hope it works, because it comes out my birthday week, and that means that everyone will be like "for your birthday I'm taking you to a movie" and the last three times people have actually said that, the movies have sucked.
Two years ago I saw X-men 3. The movie was so awful that after watching it I broke
up with my girlfriend. I'm sure had I not seen that movie I would still be in a happy relationship.
In ninth grade I saw The Phantom Menace with a group of friends on my birthday. I say 'friends' loosely, because had any of them taken the time to find out how awful that movie would turn out, they would have saved all of us time.
Probably the only movie that could be worse than that came out when I was in sixth grade, and it was another "let's go see it on Matt's birthday!" I believe that this movie is half the reason that I got a D in Spanish 2 my freshman year. Godzilla. Yuck. What a horrible movie. For anyone who didn't know, Godzilla was the worst movie ever. I'd start tearing it apart, but if you haven't seen it, it might spark curiosity into you, and that's the one thing I don't want to do. It's that awful. Don't watch it.
Anyways, work calls. I can feel it.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Those thugs be steppin' on bugz
Friday, January 25, 2008
Milkary Clintabee's Hometown
I'm on vacation. I'm spending a few days down in Arkansas. It's a pretty cool state. Sort of like all the things that remind me of Nebraska and my mom's side of the family.
Some of the most disappointing things about Arkansas are:
1. It's 20 degrees out here. I drove south for 6 hours and the weather went from cold to warm and then back to cold.
2. Arkansas is sort of like the bastard child of New York. Most of the people I've seen are wearing "I heart N Y shirts. At first I thought N Y was something to do with a high school sports team in the area or something. The "North Yellowjackets," or the "North Yuppies."
3. Kentucky Fried Chicken is the same in Florida, Iowa, and Arkansas. How far south you go has nothing to do with the quality of the food.
4. iMac keyboards have nothing on normal keyboards.
5. Ultimate in Arkanasas is pretty okay, but the cold weather is pretty lame. I'd rather play indoors in Iowa any day. Any day being Tuesday.
Despite the abundance of disappointments, I have good news to report. I have begun using a dating site I found via a facebook group.
It's hard to be someone you aren't. Especially if you want to create a semi-convincing profile. Therefore, I decided to go with an unconvincing profile. Check it out.
I'll be keeping everyone posted with how it's going. Look out world. JCameronz is on the prowl!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Max Lucado would be rolling in his grave if he wasn't alive
Facing Your Giants
That's the title for our next series. Taken straight from Max Lucado's book or from a movie made for Christians by Christians with little or no care in the acting, either way it's not very original. We might as well make our series "David Vs. Goliath", because that's what this amounts to. "Facing Your Giants" is the 2000s version of "David Vs. Goliath."
I've been trying to come up with more creative ways of saying "Facing Your Giants," and I admit it's hard. Facing what giants? For me a giant could be anything from getting out of debt to punching a semi-flat soccer ball at a wall for 5 minutes straight. I can't accomplish either, but I hope to in the next ten years (The soccer ball one may be harder than the debt, I've only made it 2 minutes with the ball). Everyone has their own giants, but there's got to be a way to invoke gianticness without saying giant or Goliath.
My ideas:
1. Underdogz. That would be a good way of doing it. Adding the 'z' helps make it more legit and relevant. It's way better than Cinderella story/ztory. The thing is, you could do Facing Yo' Giantz. It really doesn't work.
2. Jumbo-Sized Problems. It has the 'z' in it to make it edgy, but it sounds stupid. I don't like the idea, but Jumbo came up when I thesaurus'd giant.
3. Whale Fishing. This one would be all about the image. A little kid, probably sort of emo looking, but without a stupid black t-shirt with edgy text, fishing on a radio flyer that's in the water sort of like a boat, and then in the water beneath him (it's stormy by the way, so the water is sort of gray-blue) there's a huge silhouette. I like the imagery. An old man could look at it and think "that little boy will never get a whale in the Radio Flyer, he needs a bigger boat." Most other people would get the symbolism.
4. They Might Be Giants. This wouldn't work. People wouldn't be able to think about theological questions with Birdhouse In Your Soul stuck in their heads, but it is a great song.
5. Speedbumps(z). Going back to the Whale Fishing idea, I think water is the way to go. I'm thinking about a boat hitting a small 'iceberg', but that's only the top third of the picture. It's actually a seaunicorn horn (kind of like this but with a larger horn. Google Images is amazing). It's a little overly mythical for church, but it would be pretty awesome. The seaunicorn could have a moustache and angry eyebrows to show his discontent with having his horn bumped.
I like the unseen water stuff, but I'm not overly sure it's suited for what we're doing. David knew Goliath was way larger than him. Goliath knew he was way larger than David. There wasn't any surprise there. Maybe a Moby Dick reference would work.
6. Call Me Ishmael. And then have a picture of a guy on top of a whale with a harpoon, about to dig it into the whales back. I've never finished Moby Dick (I tried to read the old school version of the book, but I wasn't really excited by it. There's some movie with a montage sequence where the guy reads Moby Dick to get the girl of his dreams after losing her, but he never says how it ends, so I guess I may never know.).
7. Old Men At Sea. A bunch of guys with large fish caught along the sides of their boats. In one boat farther away, Waldo can be seen.
That's all I have. I really want to work on photoshopping some of these, so there might be pictures added later. Peace out.